Generally when I post on the blog I try to keep my personal life out of it and not say to much about myself, as everything this church stands for is to bring glory to God and not to ourselves. But I wanted to quickly share the change that took place for me personally yesterday.
I was saved at a young age, I grew up in a Christian home and went to church since I was born. I still remember the night I got saved like it was just yesterday, rather then almost 23 years ago. I was sitting on my parent's bed and they prayed with me as I asked Jesus into my heart. I will never be able to explain the joy that filled my heart after that prayer. I was baptized shortly after receiving Christ, and while I knew what it meant to be saved, I wasn't as sure about why I was being baptized. That has always been on my heart all these years and I wanted to make it right and completely obey God and His will for me. Yesterday I was baptized again, and this time it was so much more then when I was a child.
I am writing this not to bring glory to myself and my choice, but to tell you that it doesn't matter how old you are or how long you have been saved. If you feel the Lord pulling on your heart to make a decision, follow Him. Leap out with faith and do that which He has called you to do.
May you all have a blessed day.
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